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Simplifies logistics

Efficient distribution

Reduces costs and increases operational efficiency

Packaging with or without printing

+ 20 years on the market

Specialists in innovative corrugated cardboard solutions

Specialists in innovative corrugated cardboard solutions

Our boxes, packaging and corrugated cardboard solutions are practical, modern and can be fully customized without color limitations.

With digital printing technology directly on cardboard, we can insert anything from a simple logo to complex, high-resolution images.

Caixas de embarque, caixa unboxing, transporte e mudança​

Shipping boxes, unboxing, transport and moving boxes

Mazurky shipping boxes are manufactured with sustainable raw materials.

Displays, POS
and Special Projects

Your imagination is the limit of our production!

Mazurky - Displays, PDV's e Projetos Especiais
Eventos e Publicidade

Events and Advertising

Think out of the box!

Our boxes, packaging and corrugated cardboard solutions are practical, modern and can be fully customized without color limitations.

With digital printing technology directly on cardboard, we can insert anything from a simple logo to complex, high-resolution images.

Produtos Caixas de Embarque

Print on
High resolution

Produtos Impressão em Alta Definição
Produtos Projetos Especiais

Special projects!

Sustainable solutions
that you can see!

Taking care of renewable and non-renewable resources is our commitment.

Certifications ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and FSC®, aligned with good ESG practices, reflect Mazurky's commitment to the quality of our products and processes, respect and responsibility for the environment and people.

Mazurky Selo FSC
Mazurky Selo ISO9001
Mazurky Selo ISO14001
Mazurky Selo ISO45001

The Mazurky

Our story began in 2004, when Eduardo and Marcel Mazurkyewistz invested in the dream of developing and establishing a corrugated cardboard packaging factory that exceeded all market expectations!

The dream went from head to paper with a lot of strategic planning, focus and partnerships that could have no other result than success.


Conclusion: goals achieved and exceeded every year!

Our story began in 2004, when Eduardo and Marcel Mazurkyewistz invested in the dream of developing and establishing a corrugated cardboard packaging factory that exceeded all market expectations!

The dream went from head to paper with a lot of strategic planning, focus and partnerships that could have no other result than success.


Conclusion: goals achieved and exceeded every year!

Stay tuned!

The latest news and curiosities about
corrugated cardboard universe are here!

A recente elevação da Selic para 14,25% trouxe desafios significativos para a indústria. Com o crédito mais caro, investimentos em inovação, modernização …

O setor industrial foi um dos destaques para o crescimento de 3,4% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) em 2024, de acordo com …

No novo artigo da seção ABC da Indústria, do jornal Diário do Grande ABC, o CEO Eduardo Mazurkyewistz expõe os desafios enfrentados …